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Setting up your email through outlook or outlook express
ID: 2098 Category: Email Support Status: Resolved Views: 2957

how do i use outlook or outlook express for my domain email?

here is the full tutorial with pictures: http://wahmservices.com/qa/showquestion.asp?faq=6&fldAuto=39

instructions only from the above tutorial are below:

TheBasic Setup..........
Step 1.
Add a new account to your Outlook or Outlook Express email client
access the Internet Accounts dialog box by selecting 'Tools |
Accounts...' from the menu bar.

Step 2.
'Add' from the Internet Accounts dialog box will expand a sub menu.
From this menu select 'Mail' this will start the Internet Connection

Step 3.
Your Name:
you send e-mail, your name will appear in the From field of the
outgoing message. In the text box enter your name.

Step 4.
Internet E-mail Address:
Enter your email address. This will be the reply to address seen from recipients of your emails.

If you are using Outlook express, at this time you have the option of
setting up an email account from sources such as Microsoft's Hotmail.
Step 5.
E-mail Server Names:
is where you enter in the names of the email servers that you will be
using to send and receive your messages. This information should be
supplied to you by the company hosting your email.

Step 6.
Internet Mail Login:
be able to collect your mail from the hosting companies POP server, you
must first authenticate with it. Your hosting company supplied you with
a username and password, enter that information here.

Note: Some
servers require the use of a Secure Password Authentication for added
security if yours does place a check in the (SPA) check box.
Step 7.
finished, if you would like to make any changes before saving this
account you can choose to go Back and make those changes now.

Step 8.
Finish at the congratulations window will bring you back to the
Internet Accounts Window. You can Add more accounts, Remove accounts,
edit the Properties of an account, Import accounts, Export accounts, or
Close the Internet Accounts Window

Related Issues:
No related issue is available.

Submitted: 5/6/2009 Modified: 5/6/2009

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